
some other point to pick

Have you ever been to a temple?

In Indonesia, in old days when the East Indie proclaimed their independence and named the nation as Indonesia, the Chinese influenced religions got little to almost no place in the constitution acknowledging. As the only religion being acknowledged by the government is limited to five, the Chinese influenced religions need to make do and assimilated their place of worship.

They come to be known under the label of Buddhism in Indonesia, the Taoism and Confucianism, so to speak.

Now, my point about asking a temple visitation, is here,

Buddhism only acknowledge Buddha and maybe some bodhisattvas and arahat depending to their main theological doctrines.

Taoist is a long acculturation of cultural and historical figures and mythological superstitious figure,

While Confucianism focused on the worship of ancestors and good moral living

Let's focus in the two figures of religion and let set Confucianism aside for now.

Taoism worshipped deities, like the one from the famous ancient novel of Journey to The West, monkey king sun wukong, dragon king, jade emperor and suchalikes.

The depictions of Taoism about their beliefs in deities is pretty elaborate and complex.

Some deities depicted in clean and neat appearance, some in anger expressions, horrible depictions and many inhuman or hybrid form of a human and animals and anything in between along the way.

They may be prone to closely tied with the carpenter or the artist imagination and interpretation while making the illustrations about those characters.

But the very point to pick about is about how they depicted this supreme beings and suchalikes as their object of worship.

Buddhism like Mahayana also incorporated statues depicting some characters believed to be holy or enlightened beings, as an object and aid in worship.

And they often also had the same concept like how Taoist depicted their deities.

Take one example, a bodhisattva named Avalokitesvara, or mostly known under the name Guanyin, the goddess of compassion.

The bodhisattvas originally a disciple of Siddhartha Gautama during his days on earth, and later this disciple also attain an enlightened state and according to the literature, Avalokitesvara is already entitled to be a Buddha already, yet refused to be Buddha for his compassion for the suffering of all creation.

During the Buddhism widespread in ancient China, the Avalokitesvara that originally a male, turned into a female under a new mythology Avalokitesvara choose to incarnate into human female to better showcase their compassion as a female figure is closely identic with compassion and tenderness.

Some further elaboration about Avalokitesvara through the history make the Avalokitesvara we know today.

Some depiction of the all compassionate merciful boddhisatva is the ten headed and 1000 hands Guanyin

Ten heads to face all directions in the universe, an a thousands hands to reach all creation to bring aid in their times of needs.

This worship persist for centuries and bring the pattern we know today in their beliefs.

But my point is not about how this belief or that, but rather the very iconography illustrations is the object of nitpick today.

We know that according to Bible, God created humankind in His own image, we were created according to the anatomical structure like how God's physical form appears to be.

That very physical form is the base for my arguments and rants today.

Yes, illustration and carvings can be interpreted as an art form, as a mere exaggeration of interpretation.

But by that reason alone, that is how I am going to deny those deities as a real deity.

If you need ten heads to help you to understand human's plea, then you sure is not omnipresence, omniscient, and of you need a thousand hands to help humankind, then you're surely not omnipotent either.

If that to be so, this impotent deities already proof themselves as a feeble creature, that not always able to help the universe.

And let us return about the physical depictions.

If a deity really appears to have three eyes, or  any other deformities or extra limbs where they were not supposed to be originally, they were an abomination to the image of God.

Just as we are not born with four legs with six arms and three heads, the very same is the case of God. And that image is Holy, because He, the prototype for our physical form is Holy.

Then come this mutants with ten heads, long tongue and green skin with monstrous fangs oozing saliva everywhere.

They were not object of worship, they were peversion to the image of God, because by depicting themselves in those form to showcase superiority, those deformed mutants were an insult to the source of example, God Himself.

Just like the scary and gruesome gory depictions of Hindu deities, both the perversions of this exaggeration of compassions and whatnot from Buddist holy beings and those deities of Taoism, the were not much different in essence with Bram Stoker's Dracula, a fictional character made out of a fickle of imagination, to sow terror into human kind and with such, bring a reference and entitlement for those created figures.

God, is the standard for how we looked physically, we were created in His image.
By tilting the form, into a mix-matched deformation, we are insulting God.

God is omnipresent, He exist every and nowhere at the same time, He is omniscient, He know about all things and everything that happened yesterday, today, and tomorrow without fail nor any limitations or possible chance of error.
God also is omnipotent, He is sovereign and His will is not bounded nor limited by anything ever, He can do whatever He pleases as how He see them fit.

And if a figure claimed to be a deity need some extra limb and appendages to help them serve their godhood duties, they were impotent in the first place and never deserved any godhood at all.

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of why, how, and where Karma is evil.

Lately, you might noticed that I often opened the topic about Buddhism and all kind of thoughts that rooted from their philosophy and their respective theological doctrines.

I too, found myself wondering about it.

But rather than pondering of a reason why, let's just digest the topic along the way, let's try a pragmatic approach for this one.

Karma, is coined by the previous teaching before buddhism. Hinduism gave birth to the terminology. Karma here, related about rituals, pujas and such. 
Buddhism stretch the concept and simply binded karma in one word "action".
So, simply said, karma is the explanation for how one's action be it through their mind and/or physical action, related to the consequences of the said action.

Of how, actions is by it's principle, driven by intention, which is, a deliberate deed done by the body, speech or mind, which leads to future consequences.

To put it in simple example, if one planted a mango seed, then in time, they will reap the mango fruit, while if one planted a poisonous plants seed, one day they will reap the poisonous plants, and there might be one they will reap the harm caused by what they planted.


So, if a person did good deeds, as if planting a mango seed, they will reap the sweet fruit of their deeds in the future, while on the other hands, when a person did bad, then one day their bad deeds will caught up with them and might caused them to suffer.

Karma, is closely related to samsara, and is the main deciding factor for how a person path will lay in their samsara cycle.

Meaning, if a person did evil in their life, then, when they died and enter the samsara cycle, their next reincarnation might not be human, their next life might not be as pleasant as their previous life, which is the caused of one's suffering.

So, if a person did good, they will reap the sweet karma in their next life, on the other hand, when a person did bad, they will suffer on their next life.

That's the very evil point that I wanted to stressed about.


You might heard this phrase already, that karma is a b*tch, that catchy phrase has been around for quite some time already in today's society.

That's how far this concept already manage their way in to this generation's mind.

We usually identify the said phrase with a situation where a person did bad and one day they receive humiliation or punishment or whatever that bring satisfaction to the speaker in accord to their hatred caused by the other person in question.

Or in today's meme terminology, "instant karma" for a person being selfish and caused harm for other and soon after got punished by the universe for their bad deeds.

They might sounded crazy and you might also think that they were funny or interesting, but that is where the sweet lies hidden preparing to lulls anyone, and ambushed them when they are unaware in the future.

Bible said that we are the salt and light for this world, not the other way around.

But why, this simple trickery we known labelled as karma, is easily and readily acceptable for our way too unaware mind, and they didn't even jolted you up from realising that the very concept of karma is a big lie that were put ahead to make people ignore about eternal life.

What? Why? How?

Think about is, if we accept that there is an invisible thread of Law chaining the balance of universe, that is called Samsara, and the fibers from that Law is known as Karma, that after this life, there will be another, that is caused by what a person did in their present life, and their previous life, and previous one, to who knows how much repetition, that karma is accumulation and keep accumulating each life cycle.

Then, there will be no need for Jesus to come and judge all people, dead and alive, for what they did in their life.

The Bible clearly stated that one day, we will stood before the throne of Jesus, to be held accountable for how we lived our one and only chance of life, and that very life, will decide our fate of how we are going to spend eternity afterwards.

All creation will be judged before Jesus, no exclusions, ever.

And here we are, that there is something known as karma.
What use are karma if everything we did is going to be paid by the universe in our next life, if that be true, why are we still need to answer for Jesus's judgment then?

Can you see it now?
Of where the concept is lying low and shooting their trickery from under the radar?

Am I over exaggerating this false alarm?

I believe not.

An open mind doesn't mean that there will be no need for filtration for ideologies input.

Open heart and open mind, I believe, is the willingness to listen, and to understand. Yes, but open heart and mind, isn't telling you to readily accept and eagerly jump ship on whatever new ideologies coming your way.

If they were not properly in accor to the Bible, then they were not good enough for you to believe in either.

We were not Catholics my friend, so we need to be stern and strict with our definitions. We need to tightly combed toward each and every ideology coming our way. 

I also not heeding you to be a stubborn blockhead constantly ignoring and refusing to listen and insisting that our belief is correct and other must be in the wrong.

What I laid out, spreaded in the open before you, is the opened heart, a willingness to learn about and to understand quite good enough, and later on, to return to our roots and compiled whatever they were and compared them with the should be unshakeable and irrefutable Biblical Truth. And then, later if you found out that they were not in accord with the Bible, then, you can freely refused and perhaps refute them.

So, Karma is evil, because this very concept of Karma isn't really on the same side of what Bible teach us.
If there is karma, then samsara is also need to exist. You can't accept one and denied the rest, because that might be blatantly oxymoron. 
But you can refute that both is false, where does the fallacy lied.

It is evil, because by believing karma is real, we also acknowledge that this very karma, will keep accumulating even after the person died, and will let the deceased to their next path in reincarnation cycle.

There is no reincarnation, because if reincarnation exist at the same time of what Biblical Truth teached us about, then the universe is surely in utter chaos.

As if a smartphone have many providers and many different offers of platforms and operating system.

That is not the case of the universe, that's simply chaos.

God is the author of the universe, and hence only God is authorised to govern the universe however He pleases.

If God revealed that through Jesus, and stated that the universe has falled short from His mercy and in need of salvation, than that's the only Truth.

If other belief exists at the same time and dictates that a person doesn't have to be judged by God, they will be judged by the accumulations of their actions in life. Then which side will you belief?

The universe exist solely because God exist.
And because authored the universe in His sovereign will, then the universe exist for a purpose, and that purpose must be in accord to God's best interest of creating it in the first place.

Then this concept hailed from a man believing he attained enlightenment, that he perceived through the veil of universal Truth, and claimed he understood the mysteries behind the universe. And he said such and such.

That is simply haughtiness, a person's delusion, which is strongly believed to be the ultimate truth, for themselves.

But what a person believe does not dictate the Truth.

If, karma is the truth, then samsara must be also the truth.
And if that is Truth, then there is no need for the existence of God, and the universe must be working by random, they revolve in utter chaos.

But no, that is not the facts at hand isn't it?

We are still here, alive and breathing well.
The atmosphere didn't suddenly turned off and all air from earth vanished to the vacuum space.

The sun didn't blown out to smithereens in a great bang yesterday.

And no random asteroids struck our planet yet that a third of the seas, land blown out from existence.

If the earth inhabitants karma is what hold this solar system intact. Then what about the other solar system?

We don't even know for sure yet that wether we completely alone in this vast cosmos or not yet, and we surely won't be able to proof that there is life in the other solar system or not. But we know, the other solar system exist, and they're not yet ceased to exist.

As if observing a finely weaved piece of cloth, that's the whole cosmos.
Like a finely tuned circuitry of mechanical clockwork, that's how the universe revolves in harmony.

And the Bible said about it, God governs the cosmos and make them working in perfect harmony with His wisdom. This minuscule minute details isn't here by random, all creation are finely crafted and tailored to it's respective forms, because there is a 'Hand' that shaped them.

If we were mere particles and dust from the Big Bang, them we are never going to be how we are today.

If universe is by random chance, then sure, karma is here, and so is samsara.

But because the whole creation is so finely details, so beautifully designed, then the idea of this beauty came out from chaos without any author responsible behind it, that's simply being ignorant.

If Karma exist, there is no need for God to intervene in this world and how the human lived their lifes.

But because the existence of the universe is closely tied to the Truth that God exist.
Then, Karma and it's concept of deeds accumulations that governs the reincarnation cycle, is proven to be untrue.

The pedestal only able to hold one idea for once and for all, and there is no room for the best of both worlds.

There must be only God and God's wisdom that govern everything in the cosmos, which is the main reason of causality, the cause and effect that is believed under the illusion of said 'karma', or there is no God and Karma govern the Samsara.

I say, that God is, not karma.

And that's final.

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of salvation...

The Bible said, that all of creation has forshook the glory of God because of the sin of Adam.

By one man, sin introduced to the world, and by one mistake alone, all creation fall under the wrath of God.

No peace offering will truly redempt human from the cost of sin, as we already sinned since we were conceived in our mother's womb, so none will be spared from the cost of Adam's sin.

The ancient practice of burnt offerings, were a vain effort, as no amount of lambs or bulls, or any living animal, can truly beat the weight of a human misdeeds.

Those practice of ancient Jews which adopted and succeeded by the Moslems, were only a mere animal slaughter that in nature, pale in comparison and were inadequate for substituting the price of human sins.

The Bible boldly explain that salvation only found in Christ, and through Christ alone.

What better explanation needed then? If a claim is made in vain, that they in nature were only a false claim made by men, then they were a message not worth of sharing.

But for almost 2.000 years, multiple people before us, passed this message of promise, a good news about glimpses of salvation, even under multitude of persecutions more often than not, and not little, has paid the price of their own life just to ensure this very message survived through the test of time.

Of that even Peter, the apostle of Jesus, commented that those people, as an example of faith, who much among them, suffered tortures and even to the cost of their life, of them, the world is not worthy of (Hebrew 11:38).

But it is true, that under the heaven, there is no other name is given, of which, salvation is given, but through Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Acts. 4:12).

If salvation is already explained blatantly,  through Jesus alone, and only through Jesus alone.

Then it surely be the truth, is men refused this, that wrath if God surely still upon their own head.

In ancient days, God give His Law through Moses, and those Law, is the hallmark of what is wrong in the eyes of God, and the antithesis of those is what is right and just according to God.

The Torah, is rather universal. Even to people across the world in ancient time, know not to steal, not to kill, not to lie, not to fornicate blindly, not to lust, and so on and so forth, despite no Moses ever came to them and warn them about God's Law.

The Torah is universal, and engraved in man's heart. We know that those things, unexplained by nature, without any aid from any agent to tell us about it, but we know that they were wrong to do.

And thus, God's Law is introduced to human conscience, and by them alone, we are under the judgment of God, if we sinned against it.

Jesus explained later on, that whomever saw a woman and lust in his heart, they already did the fornication inside their mind and heart. 

If a person hate their brethren, by that alone, they already 'killed' their brethren within their mind. 

Those alone is enough to put all of us to doom, since no men on earth, in the past, present and even future is free from hate, or lust, even once is enough to bring us under judgement.

Of that were to be true, then, we all are going to hell for sure, no matter what, even if we believe in Jesus or not in the first place.

That standard alone is the undoing of men.

Men, by nature, is ignorant and more often than not, willingly choose to be ignorant.

Imagine an ostrich, that big flightless bird, that tend to hide their head inside a hole when they fled in danger.

Plunging one's head into a hole of not believing won't make the imminent danger cease to exist.
And even more, we human, aren't ostrich. But sadly, we choose to be an ostrich more often than not, willingly, and consciously choose to be.

Even Christians, those who diligently sat on the church bench every single week without any miss, sometimes, are a legalistic ignorant ostrich in nature.

Just by praying before and after bed, or praying before and after having a meal, or diligently paying tithe and went to church isn't enough for us to salvation.

No due diligence of moral good is sufficient for a human to safe themselves with a salvation ticket.

No abstaining from pleasure and any mental discipline and moral just will be good enough for a human to make them entitled for salvation.

And by that standard alone, all religions including Christianity, will be not good enough for Heaven and in this matter of fact, salvation.

Salvation is given through faith, faith in Christ, in Jesus, who is human by nature, and the same time, is also God in nature, God incarnated into a human flesh, to lived a perfect life, and died unjustly under gruesome way possible to bare the wrath of God, and by that, ammending justice for the cost of sin, quenching God's wrath upon man, and bridging the once disconnected path for man and God, making God accepted human once again before Him.

And through that grand plan of salvation, God willingly forgive men from their sins, and pasted Christ righteousness and perfect obedience on them, which is done through faith alone.

But my question raised from this point.

Will this alone enough?

For short and final answer, yes! Faith alone is suffice, faith in Christ alone is what dawned salvation upon men.

But life continues on and on, we are not some death row execution candidates. We still lived our life day by day after our momentous turning point of believe.

And life and tumultuous temptations came in barrages and multitude of tides.

There will be time we're going to feel overwhelmed by those momentum of circumstances, but there will also be time we felt like we soar through open heaven.

And through that, simple faith is prone to be put under test. Faith is enough, but faith need to be renewed and fed daily, with promises of God.

That is a two-part miracle that need to occurs daily in any believer daily life.

God renewed our heart daily, and we need to diligently obeying God through seeking Him through His Words.

Read your Bible!

God promises is rich in assurances. He renewed your heart when you read his Words of promise.

He promise to strengthen out faith, and He promised an intimate relationship with Him through the communion of saints, all believer saved from the world, gathered from all around, and believed under the name of Jesus, and together diligently seek God's face with fear of God.

But those thing wouldn't be possible if nobody read their Bible.

Some read them just for the sake of reading them, but nothing happened.

Some read them, and think that this book is a series of fictional stories compiled from many authors through times with the theme of translating a mythology story from other cultures into Jewish background.

Many interpretation can be made from a Bible reading.

But true Bible reading, required the second half of miracle. God's renewal of heart and mind.
Without the later part, a Bible reading is just literature reading. Going through one eyes, entering the brain, and soon to be forgotten.


I am a firm believer of God's active part in the act of a person's salvation.

If faith is a conscious act of that person being saved and no partaking contribution from God, then a person can also choose to annul their faith.

From my previous posts alone I hinted time and time again, that a black, pitch-black paper, had no traces of white in it's page. So, no right choice will ever be produced from a completely fallen heart, no perfect act will be ever produced by a completely and utterly corrupted mind.

So is the act of believe and a conscious act of choosing to believe in Christ promises of salvation.

That is utterly impossible.

There will never be a God obeying choices in the first place ever, within a person's heart if not for God to put it there in the first place.

Moral absolute is God, and no human will ever reach a morality good enough, and nor will they ever be able to perfectly theoretize them with their blemished morality.

No human will be able to come to God out of their own just and good morality.

It is impossible to believe in Christ, and even more, to have faith, that this promises of salvation through and in Jesus, to be the Truth, without God in the first place, took part in making our blank and pitch-black heart and mind to enable us to believe in what He said.

Faith is the first and biggest miracle of all following miracles.

There, that's the path of liberation that Siddhartha Gautama seek throughout his life, only to be confused by his own delusions of reincarnation and so called dharma.

That's the path of salvation that some nobody claimed to be a prophet claim to re-affirm, only to be lost in his lust for wealth and sensual pleasures. The man that has confused the world by establishing a new religion out of his delusions, and has scattered a third of the world for this past 1400 years.

That's the path of salvation that withstood the test of time, only to be teased and jeered as idiocy by the people of science nowadays, and the utmost faith barraged by critics from people who labelled themselves as 'atheist'

If the faith in Jesus is wrong, nobody would bother to find reasons to denied their claims, nor will be anybody pick any bones with the claim about Jesus as the Way as false or lies.

But the exact opposite roll into play for millennias already. Many tried to testify against the faith in Jesus. They come and go throughout generations.
Even some rises from within the congregation of believers. But here we are, people still believe in Jesus. If that faith is wrong, that God isn't revealing Himself through Jesus and the path of salvation is not found in Jesus. Then surely, God will condemn the faith in Jesus to oblivion.

But, people converting to have faith in Jesus, and being renewed from their wicked heart, for generations already. And many, find their best interest in God ever since they come to believe in Jesus.

If that is false, then surely all those that follow this path will be miserable at the end of time. But, if this turns out to be the Truth, then, behold, all creation is put under judgement and becoming a bane to themselves because there is Light amongst them, yet they failed to believe in Him.

And throughout all of this bantering arguments, one thing will be for sure.

God make a person believe in Jesus, and at the same instance, refuse to make others to believe, just like how God harden the heart of Pharaoh when Moses appealed before him in his court.

God is glorifying Himself by making some believe in His claim of salvation, while to other, He let them died in unbelief.

That is still just, and irrefutably Just before God's standard, which some failed to grasp, because we are not God, and we never would be.

God isn't some narcissistic megalomaniac that herald Himself on a pedestal and forcing the world to believe in Him through some series of torture, nor God wickedly saved only a glimpses of people and let the rest of the pack doomed to oblivion for eternity.

The logic need to be reversed.

God, created man, and God gives man choices, that is to obey or to ate from the fruit of knowledge.

God created human in His image. We are created according to His image, and also nature. We are a free being ever since our creation, and God respect that freedom, by giving us a choice. To eat or to obey.

But human fallen to temptation, they were tempted by greed, and they greed for more. They wanted to be God, just like how their tempter first greed about and fallen from God's glory.

And man, through a temptation of soothe promises from Satan, choosed to ate from the very fruit of Knowledge. Man out of their own heart, craved for knowledge and to be 'like' God.

Even since the garden of Eden, we are already faulty, by having desires to be like God, the very temptation that caused the fall of Satan. Our pride and greed is the very undoing of us.

And through that very act of rebellion, God exalted Christ, by proving us human as faulty, God exalted Jesus, through the work of salvation.

And that is, Truth

That very truth is what drawn the irk of mankind.

Most failed to see it like how God sees it and claimed God as evil.

Some turned bitter and choose to ignore the calling of salvation.

And some, sees the news of salvation as foolishness and ridiculed it as a laughing matter.

Human reject God from the first place, and hence no sane argument will be good enough to not to justify the later refusal of men by God.

And that's the Truth about salvation.

The sweet promise of salvation, and yet the bitter and sad Truth hidden behind the fall of humanity, where we failed to obey God, and continuously failed by sinning even more.

There is no claim can I make to soothes you to believe in what I claimed to be the Truth, as I am not God, I can't enforce faith in you and instill a renewed heart to enable you to believe.

But if you seek God wholeheartedly, He is also faithful, and He will answer your plea.

If God revealed Himself to you and enabled you to believe, than you are my brothers and sisters.
And I hoped that's to be the case for you, my friends and dear fella.

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what I believe to be

I'm still here, with a second post from the same day. Lol 

My head is still full of thoughts, so as the only way for me to effectively digest my own thoughts, here I am again  writing them down, so I can slow down the road inside my head and let each words flow by one by one in an orderly fashion.

A few years back, somewhat around my seminary early years, a book caught my attention.

"God Chasers" written by Tommy Tenney.

Now, that phrase catch my attention, and somewhat amuse me in my personal journey in my own pace.

If I'm not mistaken, the author paraphrased the term of chasing God in an analogy of him playing chase with his daughter. As a grown adult of course it will be almost impossible for a young child to chase him if they were to be competing seriously.

So Tenney depicted the question about how can a human being "chase" God, with the phrase that I quoted in my own interpretation:

"Of course it's not possible for us to physically compete in chasing God, but there is this moment in the analogy of my(Tenney's) daughter, where she finally get tired of chasing me, and finally called 'Oh, Daddy', and that very instant, I'm going to switch back to be a Dad of her and returned to hug her in my embrace."

End of quote,

That particular vaguely reckoned from my memories about the content and main center of the book, is somewhat transformed into a new driving force within me, to pursue God, and trying my best to understand what I catch through the personal journey I experienced from those impressions, and translated them into words so I can understand them better.

No, I never wanted to publish any book, nor becoming a best-selling Christian author, I felt too inadequate for that, and I'm pale in comparison in my message from the trending mainstream Christian books, they won't sell for sure, so I'm not gonna bother at it. Lol once again.

Despite my several disagreement about the later half from the very book I quote, about the supernatural occurences parts to be exact, I can say that this analogy of chasing after God's heart as a possibility, is what become a new ray of hope for the young me, that's only been a Christian for at the very least of 2 years.

It's somewhat motivating, at least for me personally, I finally get my main goal, to pursue the knowledge of God, to have a personal relationship, an intimate one, with God, that's been the quest of mine, to enliven the words from the Bible so the resounded to me deeply, and that has been my personal subjective miracles that bring me this far in my theological reasoning, my personal devotion, and my way of coping with my own inadequacy and shortcomings.

Of course I'm far fetched from being the good role model, I even failed my closest inner circle time and time again, at least I'm hoping I'll never become your holier-than-thou lukewarm hypocrite, I hope not.

And I'm also trying my best not to sing my own praises by acting such. I'm trying myself to be constantly in check as best as I could, despite I am far from being a perfect nor even good enough to be honest completely.


I'm doing the transition with those [....] btw, I hope you got my message, so I'm switching back to my topic in mind, about what I believe and of how I finally come to this far.

If I looked back, and trying my best to reflect on what I did and of how I approach some things and of how I try to approach my way out of doing things done.

I can surely say, that I'm always full with curiosity. And I'm unorthodox in some cases in my approach. I opt to drastic measures sometimes, but at another, I'm even too afraid to thread and stay freezed with doubts and anxiety.

I'm sure is complex, and I'm sure is unique, but for sure, I'm weird.

So, I'm going to pick a little from my previous post that I hope never spark any controversy, despite who am I talking to, I put those statements out on the internet, everyone who stumbled on this post by a mere luck or perhaps my misfortune, can easily accessed them, but here I am hoping nobody found it.

Okay, here is one dialogue in the past with an aunt of mine, who in and out was and is and perhaps will always be, a devout Buddhist.

This probably took place around 13 years ago, after graduating seminary, I joined my dad to return to Sumatra, they moved back to Sumatra since mom got the job offer in Pekanbaru, the city I currently resided at the moment.

I'm staying in Padang, with the relative, which is a Buddhist household, and a devout one.

One reason is that my graduation thesis still need some fixing and I'm not completely sure that the house in Pekanbaru is ready yet for me needing a quick online correspondence with this urging matter.

The other reason, is I'm still not seeing my dad head to head, as he's still the abusive dad that I know, and he sure still attempted to physically assaulted me in his fit of anger, so I'm thinking not to follow suit with their plan of restarting life in Pekanbaru.

So, just to be done with it, I stayed with this relatives, the aunt is my dad's older sister, for 3 months before finally moving to Jakarta, finished the paperworks and try my luck landing a job, which turns out to be my first office work for the past 9 years until I resigned back in 2020.

So, of course as a passionate Christian, I shared the gospel with this family, trying all my best of knowledge to try and attempt to convince them about the truth of the Bible.

I was met with an even stronger Buddhism ideologies, which I bet you the truth, a kind of shaking my knowledge up and down, but thankfully not my faith in Christ upside down. Joking.

I try to philosophically discuss about the zero chance of reincarnation to be true.

But was countered with the hypnosis card. That there is some cases a person induced in a deep hypnosis state, and was asked to return in time according inside their memories timeframe, and suddenly some cases shown that there might be a possibility of this unrelated to the timescale and the present life memories, this completely new memory of another life, as a proof that reincarnation exist.

As I told you at front, that I, am a weird person.

I bet you know my answer already.
I learned about hypnosis and hypnotherapy, and auto-suggested myself using self-hypnosis, to try to proof that reincarnation is an illusion.

I'm already graduating from seminary btw at this time, but me, learning hypnosis, a complete ungodly mundane way.

They say, trance state can alter your consciousness and will bring you back in time, to the memories etched in your soul.

So I tried, to no avail.
I'm a stubborn person, so I tried hypnosis.
But years of mental training made me pretty unreceptive to suggestions during hypnosis, I tried multiple attempts, using all way I can think of to proven the existence of past life, and I didn't get the deep enough state of hypnosis needed for the suggestions to work it's charm, but nothing.

So I stop this approach.

They say  supernatural truth need a supernatural approach.

I begin to compile my whole knowledge about my past mistakes of learning about occultism. I get to deepen my philosophy about all you need to know about magic, but still no past life answers.

I did this, I did that, all to prove my curiosity, by which is unproven, on the particular topic about past life hypnosis.

You see, a human mind is divided into two, the subconscious and the conscious mind.

NewAge believe that tapping into our subconsciousness can awaken us to our deepest potential.

Hypnosis is one way of many to get in touch with our subconscious.

I learn hypnosis quite much just to come to this conclusion.


You see, our subconsciousness is our mainframe of our thinking process, each person is unique to their each respective mind.
They might be similarities in ideology and many common knowledge stuffs, but on the personal level they differs.

A way of thought process of a person is unique to themselves. Why?

Because not everyone is equal in their life experience.
What you heard in childhood, what music, what cartoon you watched, how you were treated, dictate how you perceive the reality.

That is, why, a human can enter hypnosis, and hallucinates or deluded to believe about them being this and that experiencing such and suchs and they think that's a previous life.

Human mental capacity, is capable of generating memories, by compiling what input that the brain already received.

That's the same process when the brain generated dreams.

And that's the basis for claims that a person capable of recalling a memories from past lives.

Past lives induced hypnosis can be random or even vague, which is prone to misinterpretation, as we can just close our eyes snd conclude that this might be a memory from past lives, or we can be very critical and argue that those scene quoted from the speaker's memory, might be possible originated from a movie show that the person under hypnosis recalled from their childhood, or it could be a dream, or anything.


The next curiosity of mine is the big hole and doubts that it could be possible for some claims from religions, even Christianity, to be false claim exaggerated record that made to be so to fit the theme the writer had in their mind.

So, the only option I can concentrate is, to study each and every believe that I can find, from the internet of course, I'm not going to excavate a historical site from this religion or that religion just for the sake of research, it will be much time consuming and also draining much fund just for the sake of curiosity.

I'm grateful that I am a polyglot. Or was it all the way around? That I turned into a polyglot during my quest to learn about religions and cultural backgrounds from each religion?

Doesn't matter which one came first.

The point is, I learnt multiple languages, and their archaic form if possible, and spent gazillion of hours online, doing research, finding a digital scan of a rescued ancient scrolls, and many other myth debunking sources, finding a third opinion perspective, even trying to find the counter arguments from the sceptic scholars about the text and their interpretation, and if possible, learn the language so I can read it for myself and make my own interpretation about it.

They were time consuming, for sure.

So far, I can quote views about this religion, what the oldest text dictate about their origin in the earliest era possible, how the religion come to be during the past, and if they're still survive till modern day, how they transformed into their contemporary version.

The 5 major believe is the first target of mine, I read rigveda, study some parts that I can find from the internet, finding the variations and minor cults and branches of beliefs, then I begin to study the minor belief that probably survive to some extent till today. Or some, lost in time, but somewhat the documentation about it survive to this day.

Curiosity kill the cat they say, and yes I found much thing, much in the sense of too much even.

Which is not going to be spread out in this blog, and probably will not be spoken out ever.

But let say, people from the past is crazy in their belief.

And, magic, superstition and supernatural concept is closely tied with all belief system.

While some like the mainstream religion, those 5 major religion, such as Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam.
Those were pretty innocent in comparison to some practice of other minor belief system.

We know from Hollywood industry, about some unthinkable practice from some illustrated in their produce, human sacrifice and stuffs, and even cannibalism.

They were the thrice down-notched version in order not to traumatized their audience.

The real practice were gruesome, take Druidism for example. No, not this 18th century resurgence of interpretation, but rather the Iron Age Druidism.

What entertainment industry presented about druid, that those people are fully spiritual, living in harmony with nature and they were an expert of producing oracle. They are adept in healing, master of lores and crafts and suchs.

In real practice, druids did human sacrifice, and doing some gruesome interpretation of the process, such as the twitching movement of this poor sacrifice, or which side is the bodily fluids flow, how the liquid behave while trickling down from the injuries, and stuffs that I need to censor to some way.

Deep net even provide illustration for those unthinkable practice.

We know from entertainment movies that Viking believe in their Nordic gods. We even watched one of the Nordic pantheon figures becoming superhero defending justice, avenging the earth from threats.

But what we didn't know is how the origin of practice done by their original believers in the ancient times.

We think that contemplating literature quotes that those ancient Norse worship their deities through songs, rituals such as rune carving, bone carved with runes being tossed to goat skin, and interpretation were made through oracle done by the priestess song while they were in trance state.

Nope, the real one is far worse. They involved a heavily intoxicants during practice, making a person altered their mental state, and those ritual as any pagan practices, were usually surrounded by the act of consummation, some perversion through human intercourse, in multiple way that might make modern day human questioned their morality once again.

Not to say, some minor Asian beliefs also had those practice, they were everywhere, spreading all across humanity through ancient times.

That's why, I told you, curiosity sure kill the cat.
But satisfaction bring it back, not to forget.

My cat was killed already by doing what I did in those years of searching.

So I need to bring back my cat by being contempt with what I found, after researching many and numerous unthinkable findings, I felt that I had to retain my knowledge and transform it into wisdom, by finding a safety in what I already found.


I learn once again, deepened my understanding of what I learnt through seminary, once again reading the Bible, in Hebrew as much as possible, understanding the Bible all over once again, and find my final comfort once and for all on the solid rock of my faith, Christ sustaining mercy.

I purposely left you hanging, as I felt that I'm way distracted and strayed you from those examples, which in comparison to the rest of example, were pretty receive-able and not too much trauma-inducing to anyone, but yes, as I said, my cat is killed and despite being satisfied in Christ alone, the cat of my curiosity is long gone on the past.

My current curiosity of a cat, is a new completely different cat, I'm talking in a parable now, no cat is harmed through the years of me doing those researchs.

No harm is done to any physical cat.

So, that's all
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of why I think Buddhism is not the Truth.

I am thinking lately, of whether I made this topic that's been jumbling around in my mind into writings or not. But here we are.

I'm not trying to do a hate speech, but I'm just stating what I believe to be the truth. And I think that truth need to be shared about.


So, here goes....

Buddhism is pioneered by a hermit that originally a royalty, that later renounced his inherited life of pleasure and pursued the ascetics life, in a quest to evade death.

Siddhartha Gautama, was born from rhe Sakhya clan, a ruling clan for around 2 centuries in the ancient Indian subcontinent, born in Lumbini, which is believed to located in Nepal.

The four turning point in Siddhartha's life is him seeing the four stages of life: birth, old age, illness and death.

The young prince is afraid of death, and hence leaving his life and become a wandering ascetic in a quest to simply 'not dying', which later on turned into a coined term 'samsara' the way of the world of death and rebirth, which is bounded by what a person did in their life, dictating their next path on their next life.

So, Gautama, being enlighten by this truth, proposed a new way of mental discipline. 

Yes, they all basically a sets of mental discipline that attempted to tame the human nature of wickedness, in hope of attaining a higher state of mind, which, according to Buddhism, will lead us to be born in a better realm, finally, stopping completely our numerous cycle of dewth and rebirth, simply attaining a state of emptyness known as nibbana, where a human finally stop entering samsara, finally freed from death.


This very concept is what initially drawn me toward Buddhism, as they seemed ludicrous in their simplicity and their unceasing way of promoting kindness to all beings. 

Yes, I said beings, because in Buddhism, they are supposed to love all beings, not just animals, but also ghost, demons, devas, and many other invisible ethereal being that was believed to be born as their current form because of their karma, so if they were lower realm beings such as hungry ghost, insects, even demons in hell realm


Truthfully I see the Buddhism as a continuation from Hinduism, as originally Buddhism came out of Hinduism, and settle their own school of thought, but basically some of the basis concepts are pretty much similar.

As time immemorial, death and birth is the constant for all live, but in Hinduism and Buddhism, they linked the two phenomenon, to answer the question about what's next after death.

That's the origin of the concept of samsara which become the base supporting claim for reincarnation, a person is 'recycled' and rebirthed into another creature, be it human, or animal, or another entirely different beings.

So, go return about how I see Buddhism after initially exposed to the religion and also while consciously learn about their belief, I can simply conclude my points into several focal point, for simplicity sake.

First, about creation.
While Christian believe that God created the whole universe, and Hindu believe that the three primordial gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, Buddhism doesn't bother about it at all.

The universe is created by the law of nature, and that's all there is that need to be known about.

Second, about the existence of God.
Most religion believe of the existence of Supreme Being, known as God. Buddhism, that's different story.
Buddha, or also known as Siddhartha Gautama, doesn't really believe in deity or god.

So, in other way, Gautama claimed that he isn't going to bother to argue about the existence of a god or not, or which god is the real God or isn't, but he completed switch his attention to what is the urgency at hand, to cultivate one's mind, pursuing enlightenment.

Modern Buddhism did acknowledged about the existence of supernatural figures, that may help or hinder a person in their enlightenment. But that's all there is to it.

Third and lastly, about prayer.
Most mainstream Buddhism believe that prayer is an act of worship toward a supernatural figure, and in turn asked those entities to grant the person in what they asked.
Buddhism doesn't agree with prayer. Buddha himself quote and quote, suggest the laymen to rather work for the things he asked about rather than spending much time asking some supernatural beings to aid them in certain matters.

So, to conclude from my three points here, I can simply conclude that traditionally, Buddhism focused only on how to cultivate oneself and what mattered most is the end goal of cultivating the self, enlightenment.

Why bother about gods and goddesses, why pray to them to ask for this and that, let just work ourselves to achieve whatever we asked about by our own effort.

And the end of this disciplinary training to tame one self is the erasure of our egos by letting the self trained to not wanting anything, hence not feeding our greeds and wills, and attain the enlightenment.


Here where I contradicted with this version of belief.


It sounded familiar to me nowadays.

Isn't that's the main propaganda that is being campaigned by the modern day atheists?

They don't believe in God, they believed in the main of man-power, they believed in humanity.

They are bitter with this world, and hence trying to better the world through the power of humanity.

That is for the short version.

The long arguments, won't be quoted much, but I will quote the Bible here.

Psalms 14:1 
(RNKJV) The fool hath said in his heart, There is no Elohim. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

Jeremiah 17: 5
(RNKJV) Thus saith YHVH; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from YHVH.

Psalms 19:1-4 
(RNKJV) The heavens declare the glory of El; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,


Three quotes is quite explaining and despite much more claims from the Bible to back up about what I'm about to explain, I think the 3 quotes is already resourceful enough.

The Bible quotes that only fools claimed in their heart deep down, that God is non existent, there is no God.
Many arguments can be spew and bantered about their claim is wrong and God is truly exist. It's even harder to believe that we all came from a single cell entity and through billions of timespan, evolved into how we are today, a living and complex being, with emotion and thinking mind.

Hence, my claim is, by defying that God isn't really exist or somewhere along the gray territory of is there or isn't there a God, is counted as the same as not believing in any at all. And they are simply, a fool according to the Bible. 

Second, human are corrupt since the introduction of sin into the world. All that we can think about is basically sinning and continuously sinning diligently.
And through sin, death is dawned upon all creation. Hence we died in the end, all things died at their respective ends.

Hence, by trying to find a new solution to this 'death' is simply a foolish action, and moreover by trying to propose that the cure of not dying is by 'auditing' our self from all desires, good and evil, is simply not convincing enough.

At its best, by leaving the layperson life, and becoming a hermit, or in this case, a Buddhist monk, renouncing the pleasure of life and abstaining from the illusion of pleasure, were a vain attempt, as if trying to grasp the thin air inside your palm, or bagging the sea with a small punctured waterskin.

Sin is introduced to the world because human choose to disobey God and hence 'missed' from the very purpose of God creating the universe and us humankind.

And death is the very consequence for sin.
Like it or not, despite not agreeing this doctrine, we all going to die sooner or later, and what mattered most here  is what's next laid out waiting us.

God, in his just and wrath for sin is...

What awaits a sinner after their death, is the second death, the complete and utterly bitter eternal separation from God, the truest death by definition.

And by thinking in that deviance of misconception that there will be another chance in the next life, that reincarnation is possible is simply foolish.

Let's make a scenario in our thinking process.

Let say, if I become a cruel cold-blooded serial murderer, God defying in all possible cause and to all ends, and with a chance of relifing another chance to repent and through some gazillions of rebirth and death process. It will be fair enough of a reason for a person to at least try to be this abomination of evil being at least once.

Good enough huh?

So, the serial murder from today's era, will only faced with death sentence in this life, their tickets for their karmic reincarnation of repeatedly birthed in lower realm, by being a cockroach, snails, predating animals, evil ghost, or even the depicted lowest being in Buddhism hierarchy, a preta, the kind of ghost birthed with a mouth in the size of a needle hole, which lived on waste secretions of living beings.

Well, that's horrible enough of an example. But let say that turned out and won't it be quite a reasonable reasoning, that since we got to have all the infinite chance for trying in the next life, then we all losed the main truth, that since God doesn't exist, then why bother to even be a Buddha, attaining the enlightenment to stop the birth and death cycle. Of living infinitely is quite a ludicrous offer on it's own.

Wrong, there is no proof for reincarnation, they were foolish and corrupt by nature. Sin brought that delusional luxury to the need of fallen human, and by thinking that there might be another infinity try offer is the utter deviance to God, and that's not going to spare you from the wrath of God.

And third, the very definition of trusting in man, is by yielding all effort to the cause of man, and that's an abominable by it's own.

We are proven to be weak and feeble, we are prone to greed, and corrupt at heart.
If we lay our trust solely in the power of human flesh, that is one way ticket to misery for sure.

What we perceive as happiness is temporal state.

We thirst, and we drink to quench it, but we come to be thirsty again sooner or later.
We got happy for some achievement in life, or because we obtain something precious in value in our possession.
But when the source of joy is taken from us, we are fallen to misery.

We are created not to depend on things of impermanence, that's the sole reason that we are created by God, to depend on Him, and Him alone.

Imagine again, a blind man trying to lead the way, for another blind man. Won't that be sad? You as a blind person, put your trust on the person that you think isn't blind, while you put your trust in him, and you both walk on your way, and you both fell in a hole.

That is ironic, that's where the irony laid on.
And even more so, with the famous quotes of this poor man named himself Buddha, the enlightened.


Literally translated in English as: come, look and feel, and proof it yourself.

You come and follow my path, and draw you conclusion after you follow it by yourself.

When will the conclusion be finally concluded then?

Later, at the day of Judgment, where even Siddhartha will be brought to put on trial and doomed by his sin of unbelief.

There will be the saddest day for the humble and diligent novices of his that diligently promotes goodness to the world.

But for now, we are bound to draw our own conclusions in this very life we lived.

There is not going to be another life to try after this, only heaven or hell...

Reincarnation is only an illusion. A mere Fata Morgana, an optical illusion, that has been tricking many by twinkling the brightest from the void, while the dim truth about eternity faded away in comparison from this lucrative false offer.

There is God, God exist before eternity, God is beyond everything, and God created the universe, and that God, created us, but we rebelled against Him, and we sinned, so we are heading toward our own undoing of sinning, yet the same God sent His only Son, the second nature of God, incarnated into the form of a humble servant, living a life of a human, yet at the same time Jesus is fully God, yet still choose to obey the Law of God, and died for the ransom of humanity, the price of sin, death. On the third day, Jesus rose from the grave, proving His Godhood, as God isn't bound by death. And Jesus returns to heaven, and He promised to return on the day of Judgment, as the Judge of all creation, delivering the price we deserve for our sins.

That, is the Truth.

And that is all it takes for human to be saved from the soon coming wrath of God for sin. By simply believe, that Jesus died by crucifixion, the cruelest and utmost painful method of capital punishment at his time under the Roman empire law. And simply that believing is what it takes for us to be saved, not the long winded vain effort of human disciplinary to calm the thought of mind, eliminating all desires, sensual pleasure, wickedness, ignorance, and pride. None of them stuff.

Those good and loving kindness discipline is simply not good enough for us to safe ourselves from the wrath of God.

We all sinned by nature, even the purest of innocent child is not really innocent at all, they know how to lie on themselves when put under the spot by other people, they even know how to opt to punching or biting when they are in desperation. That is the very proof that human is diligently sinning since birth. So none will be spared when the upcoming Wrath of God is poured out to this world.

And, that's another Truth..

And how saddening is the day, when the man claimed to be enlightened that manage in developing this new system of salvation of his which through the millennium manage to gather a huge crowds of followers, will be brought to the court where Jesus reigns supreme as the Judge.

A blind man will never be able to lead another blind man without any of them not bumping on obstacles on their way.

And that is also the Truth....

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What it's meant to believe

The topic that I'm about to ravel today, is still an unfinished concept even as I typed them down.

So work this out with me as I jotted them out from my mind.

I'm too lazy to build up an index of quotes today, so I'm not going to search for some cross references nor any other statement to back my points.

So let's just think for the very sake of thinking today...

So, here we go.

I begin the very tease of mind when I'm thinking back about how I've lived my life so far.

I am lucky, no, luck is not the proper term here, it's even bigger than that, I felt amazed by the very idea of me having the chance to know about God of the Bible, an encounter with Jesus through His Words, moreover, to respond towards the calling of the Gospel, that is, to have faith in what His Words claim to be true, as not all had that privilege of an encounter in their life.

I am a strong believer upon a claim made by Calvinism, that even to believe in what God said in the Bible, need a miracle of renewing of mind, that's how I believe a human nature is, pitch black, so much so, that it's impossible for us human to work our way to make ourselves believe that God is true.


As that been said, I stumbled upon this ideas, that I begin to see that particular situation under two new lights.
So, mind me now, I'm not trying to raise an apostasy, this is just my thinking process being poured out in the open.

The first opinion, is that God is merciful, so much so, that He chooses to still saves a sinful human, such as me, and the rest of humanities, all in accord to His own grand designs.

The second opinion, is, and here is where the conflicting statement came in, that God is pitiful, as if God is in need of human to responded His love, that God saves human, so He can have a flock to tended to and loves.

Wrong.... Simply wrong...


I believe that the 2nd opinion is wrong. And you asked me why?

Simple, if that points out to be true, than the God that created the universe, is simply an ego-maniac of a god.
And hence no longer deserves any entitlement for godhood.

I'm not going to linger on this topic, about how a god should be, because I myself, excuse me, is not a god, so I don't know how a god supposed to be. But, by nature, we can speculates and argues about what is God, and what is 'god'

So, if God isn't a beggar for worshipers, than there must be something else about God within His very nature, that made Him giving a godly radiance.

I argues, that God is 'God' simple because His wisdom encompasses everything, He is so high above all things, yet God isn't far away like some people think about.
Despite being above and beyond all things, God is closer than anything we can imagine.

I argues again, that God is above and beyond all creation, and yet, being such, making God keeping distance from things He created, than that particular 'god' is lacking sympathy, emphaty, and unable and will never be able to relate to what He created. And that's, not god.

So, I had this idea within my head, that is hard to explain in words, but maybe they were shaped back from the 4 years of seminary and some dozens year afterward still ruminating with my personal devotion and inner theological arguments. Or maybe they were completely a different things that I came to be revealed toward through my personal relationship with God through prayers and Bible devotions.

Of that, I can't really put my finger on them to squeeze any explanation for you at least for now.


Where was I? Oh yes,

To cut my rumination short, as I don't want to bore you out. Let's bringy point that I came to term through my thinking process.

What I want to discuss, is the same old song, the same repetition from other preacher before my time.

God love us, and God's love is a one of a kind love, that only God and God alone can reproduce. A Love beyond every reasoning.

Simply put, the unwavering love, the proper term in English wordings is : steadfast. Yes indeed, God's love is a steadfast love.

So, to return to my 2nd opinion that I brought you in my opening statement, than, it's a no-no, a complete no 100% sure. 
God isn't an egotistical entity that craves for people to worship and serve Him.

But it is the very nature of God, that is to love His creation steadfastly, I mean, despite human rebel against God time and time again, He still loves us no matter what.
That came to term, with an extra, that is, as long as it's not the end of time yet.

So, as long as a human lived their lifespan, there are a somewhat of limited-'unlimited' chances given from God, sorry I can't find the right words for my point here.

What I'm trying to deliver, is that God still loves a person no matter what, as long as they are still in this world.
When they died and return to be judged at the end of time, then it's a different story.

A question appears out of the blue, that if we go by this very logic of an argument, than a new extreme arises.
Isn't that depicts God as a manipulative God?

That God toyed with us human, loving us and such, and yet fail to give us the grace and miracle to renew our soul so we can believe and have faith in Him, and be saved from enternal death.

I believe it's not the case. And this very argument is the basis of the splitting among Christian theologians to this very day.

Because if we go by that argumentative reasoning, then we come to stumble across the bitter concept, that if that is to be true, then, God is secretly cruel. A psychopath, that love humanities, yet choose to only saved a small number of human, while secretly plotting eternal damnation to this very human He so loved.

No, no and no.

God is Love, and also at the same time, God is Just.

By His love He blesses us, and sustained our life, despite our transgressing toward Him and our rebellion in heart's if heart.
But, by His just nature, all sins must be condemned to hell. So since the day Adam and Eve ate from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, we all sinned, and received our ticked for hell since the very first breath we inhaled after arriving in this world, as all human inherited Adam's nature of sinning.

No matter how holy you lived your life, even if you're to contribute all things you own to serve the whole humanity, no matter what, still hell for sure.

Hell is depicted as a purging fire where pain and suffering resided, but the true hell isn't just the physical pain, but rather the eternal death of human not able to be connected to God, that's even painful and much more suffering for a human, rather than any physical pain.

But that's where the Gospel step in, the Good news, is Jesus, the true God incarnated in human flesh, come to be born as a human being, and lived a perfect live, and received the judgment for sin, so we might be saved, by believing in what He did on the cross, and received the reward of Jesus's perfect sinless life as our own.

That's where the showcase for God's steadfast love came into the picture.

No matter what humanity did, for thousands of years we sinned and continuously doing it with due diligence, yet God choose to sent Jesus once and for all, Jesus, is God Himself, incarnating Himself to be human, to be mortal, and choose to obey the Law that God gave Moses, and Jesus lived a perfect example of God's Law. So much so, in order to reveal God as a Father to all that believed in Him, so all can he saved from eternal damnation, from hell.

Yes then, God is good, and this kind of God is for sure, without any doubt, is the true God, much differ from all kind of god depicted by other religions.

The God that is way far above and beyond all things, without limitation nor boundaries from anything, yet at the same time, is closer than any other things to a person.
The God that's is too majestic to be limited by anything He created, choosed to take care of humanitu failure and bring restoration to all creation, not because He is a power seeking God, but rather because God is the standard for all Love, He still saved us despite our wicked nature.

And by that, is how I come to acknowledge how Majestic is the steadfastness of His love toward human, even a great sinner like me.

So, if I'm allowed to boasts, I will boast upon how great is God's steadfast love in my life. Despite me doing this and that, He still revealed Himself in my life, enabling me to believe and grow some faith inside my heart, that I can respond through the gifted response He granted me.

If this is like such, how can it not be the case that this God is the true God, and the rest is mere mimicry false idols.

There, I said it all, that Jesus is God, and all other is not, that the Christian God is the true God, while other religions claims that their god is God, were false.

I've been through many religions personally in my life, and no god's from those previous encounters is like the Christian God.

So, yes, Jesus is God for sure, no doubt about it.

*drop the microphone*
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