
today is today, unlike the other day, but it's still yet another day...

Well, where do we start?

Okay, let's drop the bomb with no further hassles.

I cut myself, by accident.

It was, my left index finger.

I'm so done with knife accidents.

But today, is perhaps the epitome of most accidental injury.

Mind you, it's hard to digest what I'm showing here.

That's, my fella, is the injury.

I've bandaged it with a positive pressure, because even after a few hours already, it is, still an open injury.

The darkened blotch of where a finger nail supposedly be, is oxidized blood.

I slipped while cutting a cabbage shreds, and hit directly and went through with the santoku I'm holding at that time, and chipped nearly half of my fingernail, exposing what lies underneath,

What a genius I am.

And as you perhaps might not know.

Underneath your nails, are full of blood vessels.

So, without positive pressure on the dressing, I'm going to continue on oozing blood from the wound. But the tightening from the bandage is constricting the blood flow, deprived my tissues of oxygen.

I'm going to keep watching on it waiting the clots to finally formed so I can release the pressure and wish for a speedy healing.

As you know already, my constant tremors hindered me from normal activities that even babies could do. 

Well, not babies, it's an exaggeration.

But, even holding still a knife blade in position is hard for me.

It's sad, for real, and it is painful, both in heart and physically on my index finger now.

But yes, the me that you know so far, is this weak and mortally feeble me. And I'm upset with this faulty physical body.

But this to, need to make do, that this feebleness is temporary, there is still a better promise of perfection when Christ returns.

So despite all, I'm trying my best, with this God given response, to wait in this promise of His.

So, pardon me, from putting a hiatus for further posts at least until my finger get healed.

So, till we meet again, world...
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picking up where I left previously...

After I posted the entry 4 days ago, and after I reconsider what I write, It's simply doesn't make any sense.

It sounded like something you'd find from a fictional stories.

Well, I'm not trying to blow smokes from my ear, nor am I being superlative, but to some degree, there are truth from what I posted previously.

It's going to be lame, picking up whatever bomb I've dropped, and polishing it some more.

No, because that's how a make belief lies work.

What I'm aiming to say now, is that I'm going to attempt judging those bollocks sounding tale, and perhaps picking a better perspective to it.

Here's some of the points I'm providing previously...

1. I was rather 'unique' in how I perceived things smelling spiritual.
2. I was yet so eagerly pursuing whatever I can find a long it's about some special things we called magic.
3. Although it's short, I was once in contact with people blatantly pursuing magic from the worship of satan.
4. I no longer practice magic, not because I won't, but rather, no longer can.
5. I still done my research from past script, literatures about magic.


I will be very careful from here on, not to get lost in thoughts and stay on track.

What I'm trying to argue initially,


If, there is a possibility for redoing my life from start, 

Then, perhaps, I might did the same as my present.


Simply said, something is wrong in my head.

What's wrong? I dunno.


If I argue that I have a rather active imagination, that won't be it either.

Yes, I am a nerd, and to be completely fair. I am also nourishing my mind and my sane judgement with science.

By quoting science, doesn't completely make my argument make sense either, still.

But note and mind this one thing.

What I've written, is also based on my internal judgement, that is also fully aware of scientific facts.

Now, let's make a what if scenario, 

First let's establish a common ground, let put my whole life on this pedestal, all my past shame, mistakes, stupidity, craziness, and my pain. All of those thing that made me 'me'.

But let's put this utmost doubt in my life as the sole point of rhetoric argument.

Why Joshua did succumb to the doubts and willingly say he practiced occults.

I am sounding mentally challenged here. As if I'm mad is not even enough for a side gesture.


This modern culture we had at hand today, is based on the leap in scientific progress the past century.

We are transformed in a hundred and some decades apart from barbaric savage like those middle eras where people simply died from plague, famine, and witch hunts.

I am to satire in this aspect, all in all, while I am, for a fact. Tried to understand the world, even from scientific point of view.

Of a laymen, saw a thunderbolt struck a tree out of the blue with no cloudy storm nor rain.

Maybe, they will argue, some kind of spiritual entity is going berserk and let loose a thunderbolt.

Or, scientifically speaking,

Maybe the electric current in the humidity and the neutral current in earth, met together, and the electric current on the atmosphere, met it's saturation and need a release, hence a bridge of flash connection appeared, in the form we call a thunderstrike.

I'm not all looney yet, I am still sane enough in the aspect of my judgement about spiritual things.

I am not an atheist, for sure, but I am not a blind theist either that blindly and willingly goaded with what explanation a religion served me.

My own motto is, to experience my facts for whatever we called faith.

I'm not claiming to be better, in fact I'm of a low faith, hence I need proof for anchoring my faith.

There are, in fact, limitations to science.

And today's logic of base-ing all arguments with science perspective, had a big hole on the logic itself.

Who on earth is still alive at present time, that witnesses the creation of the universe.

So, science is what you see, what you taste, what you measure, and what you feel from an observation.

Some people observed another, and make theory about it.


That is, based with their subjectiveness, 

Let say, if I observed a person, of how they lived their daily routine, and make a summary based on my observations alone. 

It's solely depend on what I perceived from my observation. It was subjective once again.

But if, I incorporate the objectivity, and  including the person being observed, to provide me an insight from him, of how he did his daily routines.

That's a common ground from our perspective and view point bridging to settle on some terminological standing.

But, does it become the ultimate truth?

Maybe, but maybe not.

They can be wrong one one side, or both are wrong at the same time.
Or they can both be right at the same time either.

So, in short, there is no wrong or right to an approach.

I can see the clouds and argues this cloud formed from something in the sky, or I can drag my explanation by stating the stratospheric pressure this and that met this humidity, that generates air currents, and when the temperature is down, the clouds be this be that.

Or I can say this cloud is good omen, or not, or whatever I see fit.

It's like you complaining that you are in pain and went to pay the doctor a visit, only stating you are feeling pain. Then the diagnosis will differ from one doctor to another.

If you go to eye doctor, they will say your eye is sick.
If you go to brain doctor, they too will say your brain is sick.
If you go to bone doctor, they're gonna say your bone is the problem.

So, my dear fella.

I see the world with my own glasses.

I look up to the sky and feel stunned with how vast and amazing is the majesty I see, and I'm inspired by some unknown and inexplicable sensation to find out about it.

But scientific explanation doesn't amaze me even if I understand it completely.

So I'm asking, was there something more left unexplored?

So I'm curious, simply dragged me curiosity on a long marathon run.

They say, that invisible realms exist.

I say, give me a proof.

And they can't make whatever invisible turn visible at will.

So, I think, maybe something in me is not ready, so I simply do what it takes to understand and see the invisible, while learning unnecessary weights while doing so.

I don't have an explanation nor any terminology to best capture how I feel, or how I walked the path, and what I gained when I reached my destination.


Because it will be sounding too insane, so much so, I am going to be suspected as mentally ill.

Unless you are also on the same path as me, then you will think I'm crazy.

Only people standing on the same ground level see esch other eye to eye.

In this modern logic, it's going to sound dumb, retarded, crazy, pitiful.

While in truth, it's the modern cold world that is pitiful.

We are playing houses, chasing a broken dream, we are thinking we building a castle while in truth we are collecting dust in our sack.


This is my what if, finally.

If, I can restart my life right to the starting point, the moment I born.

As I lived my life, growing up 

I think, I will still pursue spirituality.

Even if I'm not a victim of domestic abuse.

Even if my family situation is different from the present life.

Even if I cannot see ghosts from birth.

Even if I'm completely different from my present life version.

I think, what's wrong is within me, deeper than what the bare eyes can see.

I am thinking, even if, despite my way of pursuing magic is walking in a circle pointing to nowhere as I had no teacher to guide me, despite its meeting a dead end only to convert from magic to something else, a total waste, I will still do it all over again.


Because I know one thing for sure.

The universe does not come into being on its own.

That an Entity addressing Himself as God, is in control. And God who reveals Himself through the name of Jesus, from what we can find as it is told in the Bible... Is in charge of all probability, beyond all causality law.

I believe strongly, even if my first plunge head first toward magic is given a better chance of redoing or undoing, I will still redo it the same.


It took my desperate act of wanting to die and my first suicide attempt, in order for me to opened my heart to Christ.

I need to see for myself, however powerful magic can do and what glorious wonder they can produce, it's still drive me to a desperation, that there is an end that even magic cannot conquer.

And that, is where the final push came into place, that no matter how powerful a person with magic, what kind of magic they practice, there is one thing for sure. God is the all encompassing final Truth that magic cannot perceive.

So, even after my conversion, where I continuously learn about what spirituality exist that I have not previously aware of. The more I learn, the more I'm strongly understand the final end limitations to magic.

But the past me never know that.

The past me need to be slain to his desperation, the past me need him to see there is no future with magic, so let's us just die, and finally get to know that Jesus is real.

So, here we are... It's a closure to magical chapter, it is a final adieu with no turning back. 

Even, if I'm a somewhat adept in things related to magic, from 1 to 100 scale I'm somewhere in the 70s or 80s if you make a scale of measurement for what I've gained and collected in my head.

Even if I had my gifts for it. I need to see, that even of I got a chance to re-do my whole life and started pursuing the genuine pure magic that is completely uninterrupted by demonic nor any other influence, even if I somewhat able to establish a whole new path to magic system all by my own attainment then, I will need to see the bitter end that drive me to my desperation.

So I can finally see Christ.

Yes... So I can see Christ at last...

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I personally believe that this all is predestined, a what if argument.

I am, despite my theological background and my personal doctrinal belief, is a strong believer of force of fate.

No, not that kind of sense for a fate, but rather, in essence, that all things happened, happening and will occur, are all already predetermined and well premeditated long before the whole cosmos birthed. That nothing is really an accidental occasion, as if a part of a grand and yet also a meticulous design.

What will be, surely will be, what's been determine to occur, will still occur no matter what. That all things in the whole cosmos are already set in stone, even long from the eternity before time.

But I am not using this arguments to defend myself for why I did what I've done.

Mind you, this is not a justification cause, nor it does me a ground to argue for my own righteous, as it brought me no justice nor any benefit.

As you may or may not know, once again, I'm an ex-occult.

No, not the box-office spell casting wand waving one kind of an occult, yes in the utmost limited mean, but not just at that sense only.

If I might say myself, I'm rather, a sophisticated thinker, specialising in the hidden knowledge behind those very things we called occult.

I begin my foolish quest when I'm in such a young age.

I can see apparitions, as such and by such, I'm not claiming to be 'special' in any way, no. But rather this darn ability is the very first trap hole that lured me in.

So, from the very beginning, I got a headstart from most occult pursuer.

Some people spend years on meditation and rituals only to open a small part of their psyche to let them see, or rather, peered in small glimpses on what's on the other side, but I spend less time for that, as it brought me no benefit, I'm able and already capable to stare at the other side, so I can focus more on the more important part of occult pursue.

In Christianity terminology, all things beside Christianity beliefs, in the scope beyond worshipping God and pursuing Jesus, is deemed as occult.

So, simply said, praying to a deity's from other religion pantheon is already an occult act.

Meditation is already an occult practice.

Chanting in other Sanskrit canon is occult.

Everything is occult, and deemed as paganism.

But no, in my perspective, an occult, is more a personal enrichment to pursue a rather, 'enligthened' state, and while doing so, the pursuit of so called awakening, supernatural abilities is tapped and aroused to be in a rather semi-perpetual state of release.

How do I say without sounding fake? Er....

Let's put it this way, the pursuit is done in order to tapped into something dormant in all creation, and when that source is aroused to the surface, a state we called as 'awakening' occurred, and that make the person becomes more aware of something else from the other side, and with a constant revelation to whatever there, an innate capacity is awakened in them, making such person to be able to produce some smaller scale of a knock-off miracle-like phenomenons. That if we translate them into older generations terminology, simply put, magic.

Now, as a person coming from the other side, I will tell you, it's not that horrendous like those claims by the preacher in churches, nor they were beautiful like those wand waving fantasy modern movies.

Even, among many occults, there are many things to learn to. As the world's culture is complex, and so is magic. Magic differs from one culture to another, and most crudest and ancient surviving practice were heavily induced and laced with tales, folklores, rituals according to respective traditions.

So to say, an Indian yogis from Varanasi's way of pursuing their discipline is different from the Baba's witchery practice from Slavic folklores. And it will surely different in practice with other cultures practice.

So, I first started with a meditation discipline, to make whatever visible to be even clearer in vision.

And what's closest in my reach. So I pursue Taoism,

When I moved to Jakarta, after those book about black magic written from Western ideology of magic, I soon convert to satanism, and practices both.
When I met other satanist, I learned more, and finally settled myself as alchemist, in a sense, a pursuer of universal truth.

Alchemy, is a combination of many discipline and knowledges.

First, astronomy, then biology, then herbology, linguistic, crude chemistry, philosophy, even religion. It's a multi versatile all-rounder discipline, as the ultimate goal of alchemy is the unity of heaven and man, which is only possible if you attain the universal ultimate truth, th hidden knowledge hidden behind the thread of dimensional plane.

This is too New Age sounded arguments, the most mind unstable post I perhaps will ever wrote for this particular blog, ever!

Western's alchemy previously brought from Baghdad, somewhere from the 6th to 10th century, and before you know it, it's entered the Roman Catholic church, even monks, philosophers practice them.

It's surely beneficial to the science progress, since most invention later leads to the advancement of our technological civilization.

Let say, how does metal refinery progress from a simple melting and smashing metal bars now including some alloy mixture, metal enrichment, and so on.

Even the accidental sweeteners from urea fermentation used in 14th century is a by-product of alchemy pursuit. 

Some surviving knowledge, begin to flourish somewhere in 18th century, and that's brought us back to reality. 

I believe back then, by pursuing my quest, I'm somehow getting myself to perfection, getting closer toward the mystery of the universe. Lo and behold how naive I was.

Of course I'm aware of how demon's snaring lies work. I've seen one or two perhaps in my life, real demons that is..
But no, not all magic is demonic powered. At least mine isn't, and I guaranteed you to my best clear conscience. Despite I did attempt a demonic pact, I didn't, despite succeeding in evoking a real demon from the other realm in my 2nd story wooden flooring bedroom.

A real demonic apparition manifesting itself is accompanied by a burning aroma, like you burn a jumble heap of hair, yes it smells like a burning hair. Heaps of hair.


Now, what I'm about to reveal is rather too controversial, and too hard to believe with a working sanity.
But believe me, I tell you no lie in these following,

Aftery conversion to Christianity, I didn't stopped completely.

I still, in magic practice, continue on for one year or so until I completely quit doing such, simply saying, I quit because my car is out of juice, so no matter what, it won't start nor budging. So I quit for the better.


In my pursuit for knowledge, some kind of occult wisdom. I never really quit.

As I learn more philosophy, or as I learn more about other beliefs system, and their respective theological arguments, I get a new glimpse of how supernatural realm works. 

Even as a theologian scholar myself, I cannot help to notice those spiritually aspect of truth hidden from biblical verses.

So, to sugarcoat and to shorten my explanation, I did, reach a somewhat mental state fit to be called as 'awakening' in the occult world sense.

As I never see this or that with a stubborn prejudice, I keep analysing what's behind such claim operating like this or that in respective belief system.

So, I get a real view about things hidden behind the curtain.

Mainly, of how Satan work behind the curtain to utilise the previous heaven to be his kingdom, and how the demonic force, lie to the whole occult system of belief, that only they govern magic.

To be more explicit about it, if per say, I'm a paranormal does their supernatural job, the one who act behind the scene were demonic forces.

Even of you try to dig deeper about this, multiple ancient mysticism practice is closely related with some special super entity which establish a pact with the human and powered them to do magic.

You might see some remaining examples in today's shamanism practice. Like Korean shamanism, the mudang is like any normal human being, until they get visited by the 'deities', a kind of spirit, that will possess their body, when summoned to do the mudang task.

Or the guardian angels in today's Wiccan practice, or the spirit animals in Native American shamanic practice.

While in truth, with enough training, every human being can reach the capacity to do such with not even an ounce of help from demonic force.

I simply reached the mental state because ofy constant pursue for what's hidden behind the mystery of this world.

I'm not claiming to be special, once again no, I'm not delusional enough and will never be, in order to claim that I'm no longer a normal human being. I still humane enough, I cried and I laughed, I got happy and upset, I am as normal as any of you. It's just what I've come to realise set me aside from the rest of your normal day human being.

The realization is what make me 'awake' toward what hidden behind the shroud of mystery, and enabled me to tap into what latent potency inside of my psyche. A seed of godly nature the Creator breathe into human, as all human is created in His image.

I may be no longer able to do magic today, but, knowledge about it is still within me to this very second.

I don't know why, but I had this better judgement about magic since early on. I got enticed with it, amazed by it, and fancy it, as if a good light was spot on top of it since early on.

Maybe this is why I crazed about it, not only because of the hatred of being sacrificed in a secret ritual by my dad.

I'm rather attracted towards it long before those whole abandonment and running away dramas and before the black magic induced chest pain started.

I, am, an alchemist, a pursuer of truth, that stopped because I found a better Truth in Christ. But it doesn't compensate for what I did, my thirst for knowledge continues on even after seminary years.


I'm getting dull here, the direction I'm heading is a loop, and rather ambiguous.

So, let's put the climax here in front, before I bore you.

This is, a knowledge that is kept under heavy secrecy, and rather, the biggest hidden knowledge the occult world ever had.

That every human is possible to awaken their innate potency, of being aware about the mystery behind the supernatural veil, and to, contain whatever force hidden behind the findings after awakening to the other side's truth.

Simply put, a human body, is not all there is to it.

A human, isn't only limited to their physical form, their thinking mind, but also their soul.

Now, there are other two body, that I so keep myself from putting into this writings for all these time.

An energy body, and a bliss body.

The energy body is about the vital force a human produce throughout their lives, it is the energy that powered your natural healing abilities, your cell regeneration, your metabolism.

So no, not sorry, that those things aren't done simply by a billion cells of brain synapses.

And bliss body, is the utmost hidden awareness you brought to active from their long hibernate mode, and that's what govern your capacity for spirituality.

Mind me, this is not in the Bible. Here, a grain of salt.

When a person meditate, simply put, stopping themselves from their routine and simply be there, in the present moment and stopping unnecessary urges to do things, distancing their brain, body and heart from the hecticness of the normal world, the first thing a person will encounter, will be emotions. 

They will be more aware of what they feels, how it affects them, how they interpret the message and how they behaves about it.

But if you didn't stopped only there, but push forward, deeper inside, then, the root for emotions and the root of sensation will be revealed.

You will see, that your emotions is yet only a mere hot air blowing outside-in, arousing your skin, revolving beyond your body, but they tend to make that all your life is about them and them only.

When you push deeper in the meditation, then inner hidden desires will resurface, what you really are is here. And this, according to many scrolls and scriptures of multiple different occult and esotericism tradition, will be the hardest part to conquer, to defeat oneself.

It's hard to encounter who you really are, and not little, went mad because of it. So, yes, a wrong step here, will turn a person mad, literally mentally challenged, with no cure. Try it if you may, try to counsel a mad occult practitioner, some went mad due to their spells, some develop a megalomania symptoms, thinking they are gods and such, some simply end their lives, some practice perversions, like the all sensational A.S. back in the 90's, the 'dukun' who is better known as a serial killer with about 42 total known victims, all ladies ranging of age around 11-30.
The man, practice something akin to a vajra body spell, the kind of things making your physical body immune to harm, like bladed weapon, or even bullet.

There are many inkling in Indonesian occult belief, that a proper sorcerer will be immune to anything, and hence on they will be a powerful mystic healer.

Now, the man claimed that his deceased father came to him in a dream, telling him to collect 70 young women's saliva, all need to be deceased young women.

So, the madman killed his clienteles, to speed up the ritual, from 1986 till the date of his arrest somewhere in 1997, totalling around 42 women, possibly more.

This, is what happened when a practitioner unable to pass through his third obstacle, innate desires, making a sane mind unable to process logic with no possible way of return.

After the third obstacle, if you push further, your consciousness will meet your essence. Simply put, it's your first glimpse of what's inside your 'self', a first encounter with your soul.

A soul, is a vessel for mystery, because our soul came from God, it is capable to reproduce something superior, there is more to it, but let say, the soul, can induce a similar phenomenon that the layman called as magic.

So far, no satan, no demon, angels, ghost, deities or whatnots here. It's only a human soul showcasing it's dynamic potencies.

And that's the true path of spirituality.

But, it took a normal average human more than 10 years to awaken their inner mind, and maybe 10 more years until their first encounter after passing the third hurdle of meditation, that is the general trend from thousands of years statistics data recorded in many traditional occult.

So, human created gods out of needs, and gods granted human with power. 

This is the history of tribal shamanism theology which with years of cultural exchange and integrations, a proper crude religion is born.

The mesopotamian had their deities, you can find more like the epic of Gilgamesh, the oldest surviving mythology. And yes, it's the very first thing I read after officially pursuing magic.

Then after the Phoenician, Nile civilization brought their own interpretation of religion, crafting their version of pantheons, the Greeks brought Olympus into play soon after, simultaneously the Vikings brought their Nordic believe and Valhalla entered the scene. The Chinese brought Pan Gu, Nuwa, Fuxi, into their tribal religion, as the Indus civilization brought their Ganges River using Siva's hair from the outer cosmos.

All these big mythology came simultaneously, similar in storylines, different in final product and interpretation. So, at the same time, something behind the veil must be colluding to create these big confusions to Earth.

Satan and his angels playing an opera wearing masks and play pretend while dividing their roles as Zeus, Odin, Ra, Amaterasu, Jade Emperor, Vishnu, and whatever their name are.

Don't forget, we're only around, for at least 11 millenias already, so many things happened behind the scene. Making human so thick and crude and dull like this.

Human is rather busy gathering riches, fame, or busying themselves with conflicts, wars, playing house and playing kings.

That's why according to modern civilization popular ideology, I'm a weirdo, and according Christianity, I'm a heathen and a pagan.

I admit, that I studied other religions scriptures and literatures on the side.
Hence I know, and had a personal insight about those topics.

 philosophically speaking, if you understand their philosophy, you will understand their respective branchings of discipline. On what's on the front and also what's hidden behind the scene.

So I did.

Now, where was I? In the terms of awareness awakening.

Using all of the things I learned about mysticism, esoterics, occults, spiritualities, all combined together. I gained an insight, that can be explained from a Yahwehnian believer's perspective.

In theory, it's enough to enable me to reproduce something beyond simple causality law. In theory alone.

But, to be completely honest with you.

Magic, isn't simply as a hand gestures, wand waving, spell incantations alone.

That's not all, there are many more there is to it.

2 elements about the phenomenons we called magic, is needed before the phenomenon will be able to be produced in materials realm.

Omniscient, and omnipotent.

It's a hyperbole terminology actually.

Simply put, knowledge, and power.

You need proper knowledge for it to happen, of how magic is reproduced and how to reproduce it, including formulas developed though the ages about it. So, yes, some hidden literature exist about how-to's to magic.

And power.

It's not as simple as buying a toner cartridge for your printer to enable it prints something.

And surely not as easy as burning fuel to produce electricity either.

Hence most magic today, are demonic in essence. But real genuine magic that's untouched by demonic influence is rare.

I may not be the one and only know about this, but I simply know about it, no longer capable to do it.


When I quit, let's say.....

Wait, let me ask you a question.

How do you this, I escaped from satanic group, unscathed.

I'm only 14, or 15 back then. Think about it for a sec.



Let me give you my answer.

As my long-winded ramblings before.

Of why I explained about the five bodies to a human beside their physical, mind and soul. There are also energy and bliss body.

The bliss body, is the body within a human soul, capable of powering magic.

And I, has no bliss body, no longer functioning.

To escape, I shattered my own magic vessel, when I attempting the suicide by ingesting poison, in the last moment before I fall unconscious on the middle room floor, on top my vomits, in the death and life struggle state, I did something inside my mind.

I'm quitting magic.

So i destroyed the hard-attained vessel for magic within me.

So, even if I wanted to, I cannot and won't be able to.

Good riddance isn't it?

This universe, work with one golden rule. Equivalent trade. It is the unspoken universal truth.

If you need something, you pay something of equal value.

It's not only applicable for our daily life, but to all things under the heaven.

I don't know who set the rule, but it exist.

To explain it simply, if you need to make a fire, a fuel is needed for it, and the cost of producing the fuel is paid for it.

How should I phrase it?

Let say it like this, in ancient times, a tree needs to die, dried up then you used the chopped logs to fuel the fire.

Nowadays we use butane burners, or some liquid petroleum gas.

Human drilled the seabed for oil and tapped the gases from earth. You see nothing about it?

Didn't you notice the heat nowadays? The worsening situation on our planet, the climate, the natural disasters, many things around, that came as price of this unnecessary harvesting the planet.

That's the best showcase for this equivalent trade rule.

Not today, but surely somewhere in the future, all human will pay the price for taking from Earth.

I'm sounding like a tree hugger now?

Let's catch some breath, and calm down for a bit. And I will continue someday.

It is just a rambling about nothing anyway.

So, till next time.
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and once again, about abandonment...

9.34 am, 3rd of November.

I finished gnawing on my breakfast, while watching something on my phone, while waiting for Icik to return from the poultry vendor.

But my mind wander somewhere else while doing such.

I remembered about my past, and once again, about things happening during my childhood.

I'm really aware now that it's a big personal issue for me about abandonment.

My mom, who else if it's not about her.

The first thought is about the motorcycle that's currently parked at the side of the store terrace.

I keep the keys on the fridge beside me, while I seated on a blindspot if you see it from the street.

I don't know why I'm thinking about it while dozing off.

But I said internally, will I be able to catch a thief sneaking to grab the keys and made run of it?

Then it glimpsed on me, this scenery is pretty familiar.

I once did.

She, with whatever inside her mind, did that once on Sunday somewhere in the past few months before her last grand exit to Bali, which, also occurs on Sunday.

I heard her stopping on the front of the store, I heard the  stopping machine resounded from behind the door.

And she pauses for a few seconds before starting her motorcycle again and make a U-turn toward somewhere.

I don't know why, but I quickly jolted from my seat, opened the door, and chased her barefooted.

I managed to grab the backseat bar handle and stopped her.

It's a scene yes, but it was not a first.

Long before, back in my childhood.

A similar scene did happened.

I was 10, and she left me without reason while I'm still preparing myself. No reason no nothing, she just said previously that today's we're commuting with public transportation to A'i-po's place, so you prepare and then we go together. That's all. But she left suddenly without word of explanation.

The panicked chubby kid me, ran likey life depended on it to chased her. It's already 150 metres away from home when I caught her. I don't care that I'm buck naked at that time.

A question came to mind.


Why my mother is a neglecting mother, and an impulsive expert at it.

And why she is happy by choosing the abandoning card.

And lo and behold how it haunts me to this very day.

I'd be lying and a scam if I say I'm okay about it.

And I'll be a pathological liar to say that I can make peace with it easily and to forgive her for what she had done all of these years.

It's hard

It's painful

It's upsetting

And it sure never pleasant, nor a good childhood dreams come true.

It's horrible and it's a nightmare.

And I'm in pain about it.

Can you imagine how I feel?

Ask me then,

Do I hate her?

Not really, but it will be a lie to say that I didn't hate her at all, maybe a tiny little piece of hatred

But rather than hate, it will be more fit to say that I'm angry.

Do I continuously hate her?

No, only when the same thing and experience took place yes, but after that, I'll manage, I hope so.

Let us not forgetting her busying herself with cooking and she completely forgotten about the 1 years old me, walking all over using a baby walking cradle. She tied a string on the cradle and that's all.

The cradle flipped and a big stone turn into a pillow for my head to nest.

That's the mom that I know all about in my whole 34 years + 10 days.

And that's how painful it is to imagine how that impacts me with some intense years living with her under one household.

If Nana can say about her waiting for some plus hours after school until it's almost dark.

I'm not going to belittle her scar, but that's technicalities issue, they forgot about her due to misscomunication.

And maybe on her life, too, some similar experience did occurred to her from our mother's retrospective side.

But for me, mostly, more often than not, was done on purpose. She is completely aware of what she did and why she done that.

I shared a clip to Nana on IG some days ago.

A clip from Southern Thailand, a kid crying asking for something and his parents(perhaps, it's an older male), turned a filter on IG, and recorded the reaction.

It's a scary ghost thingies. And he did that to make the boy behave, by scare the sh*t out of this child.

As I translated their dialogue to Nana, that goes like this:

M: male(adult)
B: boy

The boy is asking something in local dialect, it's inaudible for me.

But what's clear to my ear is, when the phone's screen pointed to him, and the boy saw the scary ghost filter appearing behind him.
He uttered glua (scary, or simply 'I'm afraid in Thai)
M: here, greets them first.
B: sawadee krub (shaking with scared teary expression)
M: will you keep being naughty again?
B: No, I will not dare anymore...
M: Hah?
B: no, I won't do it again.

All the time the boy's eyes was glued to the screen due to fear.

Nana is absolutely against the use of fear inducing treatment to discipline kids.

So I know how bad and awful it took place on her.

My point of re-quoting this is, 

For the purpose of this story:

As you may or might not know already, I was (how do I say this?), rather unique, or different.

Without claiming to be special, I will blatantly explain, that my very eyes, can see supernatural beings.

It's the normal days for my kid me, to be able to see ghost.

Not because it's a paranormal activity occasion or a jumpscare situation.

If there is a ghost in the room, even if they aren't really trying to make themselves visible, I can see them.

Maybe that's why blood, gore, and some scary stuff no longer shake me.

It's pretty normal occurrence for me to see some bloddy or ghastly spectre.

I am completely unaware that what I saw is not visible to other, not until 6.

I thought it's normal for people to crawl on the floor with no leg from knee down, I thought it was normal for an eyeball to suddenly pop off from the socket.

That's until 6.

The kid that play with me in this new house, looks like some western kid, and while we play, his left eye fall from the socket. And yes, you bet, white and fat maggots crawling everywhere. And yes, you bet, I screamed to the top of my lungs.

Now, it's 7 or 8th years of age. And I was showering late at night.

My dad's still not returned home yet, Nana is already asleep in the bedroom.

And mom's is downstairs in the pantry, I don't know doing what.

But what I know, a face, gruesome face appeared behind the windowsill on the far end of the bathroom, it's the 2nd floor, and this face grinned scarily.

I quickly screamed calling for mom. "Mommy, mommy," but nobody answered, and she is nowhere to be found.

What I met is, the 1st floor lights was switched off, and she is sitting on the pantry, in the complete dark, with her eyes staring me, trying to scare me, unabated, completely still, as of she's not the mom I know.

And what you seen from the dialogue in the translated IG clip took place.

"Mommy, mommy, I'm sorry," etc. etc. I recalled saying to her.

And she make her voice sounds heavy to bring further fear.

Yes, as a child, I'm afraid of ghost, because I can see them all the time.

And old Chinatown in Padang is something else, they are everywhere becase there's plenty of old building, some centuries old shrines and so on.

The mom that I know, is some happy go lucky and abandoning mother.

She cared for her feelings as if she's the only victim, but completely unaware of any pain she caused her 3 kids.

And when things turned sour, she is very quick to have an affair, instead of turning to God.

This is no longer a humanitarian issue, nor a psychological issues.

It's only an issue due to nonexistent personal relationship with the One True God, not the imaginary superpower faraway land deity we tend to picture from heating church bench diligently on Sunday morning.

If Christianity only stopped until the end of onlygping to church, paying tithes, praying before and after sleep and before eating. It is not real.

The Jesus that such people know are only the Jesus from Nazareth, who feeds 5.000 men on the hill with 5 bread and 2 fish, who died on the cross, and ressurected on the third day, and 40 days later ascent to heaven.

That's all, finite.

But no, there is no true power in that kind of Christianity. No life transforming power from Bible reading then on such legalistic lifestyle of so to say "salvation"

But that, is how my parents raised in their church.
And that's the one quick to hell laid waste on earth of a marriage.

And that's the result we so deeply saddened nowadays due to sin groomed to maturity in a marriage of the so called 'Christian' household.

My dad is a heavy smoker, he smoke since the 3rd year of his middle highschool.
He is a well adept porn addict who thing nothing of a woman but an object of fantasy and pleasure, hence he treated my mom as a cow to ride. And make naughty vagabond with his female staffs or colleagues.

Hence he forced his peversion to my mom, and caused all of this peversion to this very end.

And my mom, is selfish and a hidden sexual fantasy addict.

It's quick to say yet easy to proof, due to the tons of Intisari books she so diligently collected in her personal library back in our home in Padang, not less than 40 monthly series, where some voyeur and erotic stories slipped in their monthly release.

How do I know?

Becaus I'm a bookworm myself, and I sure did read everything that had letters printed on it, all in my years living under their household.

So, yes, I read those books I stated, all of it, and got confronted by my dad because I read them for the voyeur and erotic stories, only to be defended by the owner, my mom.

While both are secretly porn addict according to each hobbies, one visual and sensual, one through fantasies.

Now, I'm laying this hidden dirty laundry out, and let you all judge them for me.

It is surely a laughing matter because I'm not better, I got to know porn since my 2nd years of elementary. A friend of Hansen, who becomey classmate in 3rd year, told us about his findings of his dad's porn stash. A VHR, which those kids played and warched to widen their vision of the world.

A things that I so struggle to conquer after my conversion to God. A personal sin that I sweat blood and tears to brought to the cross so it will be conquered through Jesus during my years of knowing God's Word.

If I personally can progress from my wickedness to this not so wicked heart, so much so that words came to life for me and the Jesus from the stories in the Bible suddenly come out from the Bible to lived in me, that I can claim I had a personal relationship with Him, a genuine and original relationship..

That's Christianity is all about and how that's all supposed to be,

But no, how I long for my family to also experiencing the similar joy I had found.

And lo, behold, how 18 years of conversion and personal struggles with God have transformed me, and how 44 years of legalism brought my parents to be how their lifes at present.

One secretly kept his cheating with his second wife stay in touch. How he spent times mostly watch her during he live session, how he only know how to stole money from the cashier.

And the other is happily on vacation in Bali for several months already, completely ignoring this ticking bomb of a marriage.

How can this be, and why is my family isn't like the other God obeying family.

Why does its the children that needs to suffer?

Why must the three of us their kids that is no longer kids, that need to cry our tears out to God in prayer for them, while they're so diligently hurting one another?

Oh why O'Lord?

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about something embarrassing...

I only said this for the sake of retelling a story. First of all, I am not making myself as a victim, nor am I proud of what I've done. And even to this day I regret that I ever make such mistake.

November 1st, 2023, I started writing around 4.52 pm.

I was meditating just now, trying to calm down my mind by letting them subside when not given attention.

And it came to me, some memories resurfacing, of things I've done wrong.

And once again, especially about that darn book encounter in the bookstore.

About how I enthusiastically scribble the sigils back at home, light a candle and cast the incantations.

Why again and again they come back to me. I swear that I've quit for good, but why the temptation still pay me a visit every now and then, even after almost two decades.

So I prayed, asking forgiveness once again and rebuke the temptation in the name of Jesus.

And I return to meditating.

I'm not sure that I had told you about Danny, but, here we are, Danny is a good friend from senior highschool.

Danny is the friend that invited me to church, where the way back to Jesus is chanced upon me.

But before that, let me tell you about a way back in years hidden secret.

I was 6, or was it 7? Or 8? That's not really important.

What I'm assured of, is the place.

My parents does their monthly groceries shopping for toiletries and suchalikes in this particular store in Damar plaza, the miniature in scale of a shopping departure.
Damar plaza, is only 2 alleyways apart from home in Ujung Belakang Olo, it is the store that was attempted by the rioters as a looting target in 98's riot, only failed as the attempt was subdued by the use of tear gas by the military, and as the distance is really close to home, some escaping rioters found my house and hid inside the parking lot, behind the fence, as the police chased them.

Back at the story, I was 6 or 7, and I fancied this boxed drink, well, it's not a new story.

Y'all knew already that that Rp.1000,- boxed drink request wasn't granted.

So, this is what really happened back then.

At first I just hold the chrysanthemum tea drink, holding the carton packaging close to me.

But I don't know how, what I can remembered is, I broke the aluminium seal where you inserted the straw is.
And I drank the product.

Yes, it's stealing.

How much was it in today's currency? Rp.1.000,-? 6 cents in USD give or take.

It's not much to be honest, but I did feel guilty about it. Even to this very day.

The story, is about those hidden sin, those thievery be it on purpose, or by accident.

I admit, I'm a bad person, and I realised it now, that my heart was never clean since my first day on earth.

The Gameboy console my cousin had, I sneaked it inside my bag, just because I never had any.

I can only confess it and lived on with guilt in my heart.

I can even freshly remembered his expression and tone of speech when he called me thief with hatred in his breath when I returned the console a week later.

Game, is something forbidden in my household.

My mom's cousin, who once upon a time, lived with us for a time period, back in my 1st or 2nd grade elementary years.
Back then my dad is opening a thing similar to digital designer agency. 

So I do know what a Windows 95 pc looks like, and I too experienced the electric shock a PC power button typical for those era's pc did.

Okay, that uncle, installed games on the pc, and he even taught me how to insery a floppy disk and open the cmd and type the keyword to load the games 

Only for them to be uninstalled and thrown away by my dad the very night.

So, no, I didn't grow up with consoles. I don't know how does a Sega cassette games feels like, and surely never own anything be it Nintendo, or Ps, or whatever they be.

I only watch from the side, when my cousin played those game consoles that he doesn't even need to asked for but given by his dad so readily.

And that's, somehow become jealousy, and that jealousy, turn to this session of thieving. 

It's wrong and I know that.

But my heart bleeds about how does it feels back then, to not have any and can't help but compares what I had with what other's have.

And maybe that's the cause of my game addiction in teenage years. So much so that I skipped school only for playing games in some rentals.

I snort at how tragic and also pitiful this memory is, tragic because those games I played back then, I still had similar genre version in my phone.

A farming game, harvest moon, which no longer exist today, but I had stardew valley. Different, yet similar in gameplay.

Or Pokémon, well, I graduated from Pokémon, but I admit, back in senior highschool, I secretly installed games in my dad's notebook, and hid the games in utter secrecy in some misleading folder and I even got some vga emulator from Danny. Those years was Pokémon sapphire, crystal or whatever series they be during Pokémon golden eras.

Now, it's during my senior highschool years.

And this one, I can confess to you, I need to defense myself. I did it by accident.

I forgot the book title.

And this occurs in Gramedia.

As usual I spend my after-school hours in bookstores, if not in some net cafe playing Seal or PerfectWorld (mmorpg back then, yes Dota exist already, but I'm not a fan).

So, it's a book, a novel about some teenage stories, still, fantasy genres, filled with fairytale, magic and such.

I admit, I read Harry Potter, all 7 books, and also some companion books beside the novels.

That's back then, okay. I've burned the novels already. 
(Funny and also tragic, since I burned a fictional novels about magic while I did written a full in-depth grimoire about real magic in one of my other blogs [ I had several back in my highschool days], back in the days about real magic, how to, techniques, insights, knowledge, all that is inside my head, a perfect copy of it. sadly I long forgotten the address and the password to the blog, so it's still there somewhere. Please don't try to find it, promise?)

Where was I?
Yes, Gramedia, and the book is, initially, what I want to buy, but as I'm still browsing for other things, I put it i side my baggy pocket, I'm wearing a light brown cargo pants to mall, with side pocket big enough to hold a Bible on my knees pocket. So, I thought, let's put it there for later so I can use both hands to hold books and stuff.

By the time to pay, at the cashier, I forgot to submit that book. It's still in my pocket and I long forgotten it completely.

Only to realize it when I'm back at home, unloading my hauls, and found the thin novel book inside the right pocket.

Darn it... I don't know what to do, well back then I don't know.

But if it's today, I will return the next day, bringing the barcode sticker to pay for it. Which I did on daily basis nowadays, returning the next day to pay the misscounted item, despite it's the cashier fault nowadays and not mine.

That's how integrity is trained I suppose, not that I claim I'm a whole better person now.

I am not, it's just I lived on with guilty conscience and the burden made me more aware of how much damage I've caused by my past act.

And lastly, the embarrassment.

This time, it's rather a comedy drama.

I went to Daan Mogot, as usual, but with Danny, on week days.

Because he need to buy something, and so am I, my devotional booklet read for the next month release.

So, on the 2nd floor, where the Christian bookstore is, I went ahead and Danny followed suit.

What we didn't know is, two girls saw us from somewhere ahead.

It's unthinkable for an introvert like me to think this script for once, but it's wild, they asked Danny for personal contact number, not his, but mine. I still smirk my face like a duck and giggles in my head when I think of this.

So I run away.

It's literally a chasing scenario where I exited the store, after paying of course, and went to another story, only to be followed from behind.

So I went away again, and again, until they lost me.

Danny? He's long vanished to thin air.

Only to be found in Gramedia, we store our school bags there.

So he hid in one of the row of book shelves, leaving me to my fate.

My stretching my neck to find him, turns out brought up suspicion.

I was suspected for stealing.

Me and Danny was brought to the emergency exit, where we got questioned about and get probed for anything from the store.

Mind you, perhaps it's the drama of looking here and there that brought the suspicion, or was it my face recorded in the cctv some other day about that missing novel book.

But yeah, that one experience is an embarrassment, it's rather a humiliation instead of embarrassment to be truthful, but well, I did a mistake once there, and it's simply normal to get suspected.

Another one for the climax.

Fast forward to 2011.

It's last seminary years, and lastly, the last summer missionary trip.

It's not in Indonesia, but rather, Hong Kong.

Mind you, I had this old jacket, I worn for years, and maybe some months unwashed. The original color was dark green, but it's black of soot and dust when I'm in Hong Kong, yes I brought it, and wear black jacket like that on the middle of burning heat of summer days in Hong Kong.

After a return tram ride from Victoria park toward Causeway Bay, the last stop before returning to our hostel provided by the church somewhere in Queens road building.

I got stopped by men in blue uniform, some dress that I only saw from Stephen Chow movies. But suddenly 3 officer approached me, and as I am saying, I am Chinese in my ancestry, and this darn small eyes and facial features, mistaken me as locals. Good point if you asked me from another perspective, it means I can blend perfectly with locals. But not good in this situation. My Cantonese is whatever I can find from talking to the migrant workers from Indonesia in church that I served for a month, and it's only a week since I'm here. So, no, I can't speak Cantonese back then.

So I replied in English, and the officer, can't speak English.

While my other friends, is long gone ahead of me. They left me behind, unaware of the situation at their back.

As a civilized human, and moreover a tourist, I complied.

But the proceedings took too long and I'm soo lost in someone's country.

So, after some asking and answering with their broken English.

The problem is my choice of clothing articles. I was suspected initially as a drug smuggler. Lol 

Who wears black in this scorching 34°C summer?

Well, I did, it's hot, I know, but at least I'm not going to get tanned. And my goes to color in my wardrobe is always black since I prefer black most of the time.

So yeah, it's a funny one if you were in my shoes.

And I was this guy 180cm tall, weird tilted bowl haircut with this young look. Oh, mind me, I was 21 back then, so give me some space, I looked younger than my age and for my age with that funny haircut back then.

I did this daring manoeuvre for my thesis presentation, I forgot to cut my hair, and hair is one love hate topic in my campus back then. I once got chased by my dean, Mrs. Cecil, with scissors in her hands, because I'm always the one and only theological student with long hair, for a girl it's okay for sure, but I'm not a girl, wrong choice of reasoning she answered from behind me.

So yeah, it was a daring move of mine, I took a scissor from the kitchen and trimmed my hair to the barely acceptable standard of thesis presentation dress code.

So, to fix the damage, I asked the office-boy from campus, Rudy Hutabarat, God give rest for his soul.

I'm quite close with him as a friend back in those years, since I'm pretty much friends with the office staffs back then.

So, Rudy, trimmed the hair into whatever the resulting end that I wear to Hongkong.

Flat line around my head, only a small tilt on my left eye, a bit longer on that side by mistake.

Wait, I think I had a digital evidence for that, oh well, It's on Facebook, my Hk's mission trip album, I took a wefie with some girls from Chongqing international student program.

It's warm inside my heart when I reminiscing about things from the past.

Oh well.

I thought for myself that this might be an embarrassing topic and a down mood story, but I felt release in the end, and warm.

That whatever happened back then, took part in the play to make me like today. Not perfect still, and not even good enough. But at least I'm trying my best to be.

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